I’ve just updated The Legend of Quintavius to version 0.5. Aside from more bug fixes, it adds a new setting for effects; in addition to just turning them on or off, you can also enable them during cutscenes only, and not during gameplay.
Effects in this game are just Stencyl actors (similar to game objects in Unity), same as characters but much simpler. Since this game has a lot of actors, I wanted to have options to reduce the number of actors for anyone who has trouble running the game, for whatever reason that might be.
But since there’s so many effects, I’ve played through the entire game with each of the three settings to make sure nothing breaks, but it’s still possible some bugs exist that I just didn’t come across. So if you find a bug, experience lag, or the game freezes, you can try a different setting for effects and see if that makes a difference, and let me know if it does.
Now that this update is out (later than I had wanted), I’ll be taking a probably much needed break from The Legend of Quintavius for the rest of the month. In a few days, I will try to make a game for Ludum Dare; it’s most likely going to be in the extra category again. And after that, I’ll start sharing what I’m working on for Pixel Day. To be honest, that project has been stealing my attention from LoQ, and I think you’ll understand why when you see it.
I plan on returning to LoQ in February, and I’ll resume my semi-daily Twitter posts. But instead of doing more bug fixes, I’ll start working on some of the bigger stuff that needs to be done. Because there’s always going to be a bug to fix, even after the official release.