This game is interesting for a couple reasons. The maze is pretty small, and whatever that faceless entity is can move through walls. It also prefers diagonal movement over straight movement so it tries to cut you off if you're aligned on the x or y axis. Combine that with the slow movement and you get some close calls every now and then.
My strategy was to memorize the maze and then run circles around the edges of it, trying to lead the enemy away from where I intend to go, because since the maze is small and it can move through walls, it can get to me pretty quickly. I managed to grab 5 circle-things in my last run before the faceless ghost man got me.
I like the 1-bit graphics and chiptune music. I wish the title meant something in the game itself because that's what intrigued me about this game. I'm not sure this game needs difficulty settings because it seems pretty balanced to me. Maybe if the maze was a little bigger, you could avoid having to run circles around the edges of it, but you'd have more maze to memorize, and if you added more dead ends it would incentivize people to memorize it so they don't get trapped in them by the enemy.